Onion sets are immature onions that are harvested at an early growth stage. When replanted in spring, they develop into fully mature onions by the end of the summer. Plant sets in rows at a distance of 10 to 15 cm (4" to 6") apart with 25 to 38 cm (10" to 15") between each row.

Half a pound of Onion sets will give you about 50, enough for a 25 foot row at 6" spacing.

The following are SPRING sown varieties of Onions, Shallots and Garlic stocked in the Shop for the 2014 season.

Garlic bulbs

Onion – STURON

An excellent, popular maincrop variety producing high quality, semi-globe shaped medium to large sized, juicy-fleshed bulbs.  Excellent bolt resistance.  If stored well will keep until April/May.


A development of Sturon with golden skinned semi-round bulbs. These onions can be harvested in mid-July.
Good crisp flesh, heavy crops and an excellent winter storer.

A shiny dark crimson slightly flattened globe shaped bulb which stores extremely well, from September through to April.  Late main crop with good skin & thin neck.


Much improved yellow variety.  Firm even bulbs.  Stores well.

Shallot – RED SUN

An attractive deep red-brown skinned variety with excellent flavour.  Arguably the finest red shallot available.  Very early to mature.  Good bolting resistance.

For AUTUMN planting we had the following varieties available as Onion Sets.  

ELECTRIC - An attractice Red variety with red flesh which should mature in early summer.

RADAR - An outstanding Straw coloured variety with better tolerance to adverse weather than older varieties.

SILVER MOON - A White variety both of skin and flesh.


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