Society Quiz Night - Saturday 10th April 2010.
Quiz dates are advertised on the notice boards in the CHS Shop and Hall.
Bookings must be made in advance through
Ticket price is £6 per person, which includes the Quiz, a table quiz, finger buffet with tea and coffee and a raffle ticket.
The CHS Hall,
The hall/shop telephone number is
During 2009 we have run six quizzes. The first was for the Scouts, who hired the hall and did all the catering, etc. They asked us if we would do the questions and scoring for them, as we had more expertise! The next quiz was for the Horley Evening Townswomen’s Guild, who again hired the hall and did the food, and we provided the questions and know-how. After these two quizzes, it was agreed that all quizzes that we run would only be for the benefit of the Society, apart from our Annual Charity Quiz for Cancer Research UK.
All the events have been well attended and much enjoyed. We raised the ticket price for quizzes from £5 to £6 to cover the significant increase in the cost of food. Thank you to all those who have helped with the catering – producing ten large loaves of sandwiches to a consistent standard is no mean feat, not to mention approximately 150 cakes, biscuits and other comestibles for each quiz! Thank you also to the team who turn up early on the Saturday morning to set out and lay up the tables and chairs; to Albert for doing the printing; to the washers-up and to those who, on Sunday morning, clear the tables away and clean up the floor after the events.
We are very grateful for all the prizes that have been donated over the year; the biscuits and chocolates are always very popular. Our special thanks go to Mabel for setting the questions and for her general organisation, making the quiz nights so popular.
Social Committee Report 2008:
We all take for granted the use and the facilities of the Horticultural Hall for our meetings and shows, probably without realising how it is all funded, particularly as the income from our shop is far less than it used to be. Hence, the Society’s Management Committee has a Social Sub-Committee that runs a few social functions for members, partly for fun, but mainly to raise money for the Society in order to defray the huge costs of running the Society’s premises.
For the Quizzes, we try to sell tables in blocks of six seats, but can generally accommodate the odd ones or twos as well. We have a maximum of 16 tables (96 players), so it's always a case of ‘first come, first served’. In order to plan the refreshments and the seating, anyone booking a place must inform